Yellow Mussel Curry with Pineapple – Geng Leuang Hol Lai

Rating: 2.7 / 5.00 (10 Votes)

Total time: 45 min




Perhaps your new favorite bean dish:

I N F O In southern Thailand, a considerable mass of turmeric is used in pastes, giving curries – like this yellow one – a vibrant golden-orange hue. This is a crazy hot curry, possibly the hottest Thai curry even. The evils-hellishly hot dried red bird’s-eye and fresh orange chilies-are used lavishly along with lots of strong, earthy shrimp paste.

With Thailand’s expansive coastline, frutti di mare are primarily used in this dish; snapper, sea bass, barramundi and red mackerel, bonito, emperor, swordfish, lobster, big blue crab tails, mussels, clams and scallops all qualify. Vegetables and fruits most likely to be used in the home region of this curry are fermented bamboo shoots, green papaya, pineapple-green or ripe-and assam. Here’s a combination: T H E R I T I N G First, cook the paste.

Peel and quarter the pineapple, remove the hard core and roughly chop the flesh. Boil water or clear soup and season with sugar, tamarind water and fish sauce. Melt 2 tbsp. of the paste in the clear soup and simmer for 1 minute. Add the pineapple and, when soft, the mussels. Simmer until the clams have opened (discard any that remain closed). Finally, season with lime juice. The curry should be quite thin and hot, sau

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