Turbot Roasted on Red Onion Confit

Rating: 3.8182 / 5.00 (22 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)


Onion confit:


Season the turbot with salt and pepper and turn briefly in flour. Fry the fish in heated oil on both sides until golden brown and place in the preheated oven at 200 °C for approx. 4 – 5 minutes. Onion confit: slice onions, steam in water until soft and add salt. Reduce red wine and port in a separate pot to half, add to onions and mix well. Refine the sauce with a little lemon juice and butter. Arrange the onion confit with the turbot on warmed plates, pour the red wine sauce over it and garnish with a few chervil leaves.

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