
Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 5 min

Servings: 5.0 (servings)



Making your own cheese – sounds like a riot. But it is not!

To clarify the basic dimensions: Imagine a round Camenbert wrapped in paper. This is the size you want to achieve. And about five pieces come out of it – plus about 3, 5 L whey, whichin effectu tastes prima. Almost like the cow’s milk itself. But fresh away mua it.

And what concerns the skimmed milk: Who has doubts to use raw milk of the farmer incl. Bse, which can refer just as surely in a health food storejust as preferential milk designated. There’s subsequently but nix with “L ‘a mark!” – rather the double…

If all ropes tear, probablywahrhaftig fresh whole milk from’m supermarket goes. Only H-cow’s milk it should not be under any circumstances! It reacts very strangely and indeterminately, and it does not become perfectly sour, but somehow “tips over”.

The rennet should be available in any well-stocked health food store (or in stores that carry the Hobbythek program).

– First of all, cheese molds. These can be purchased – or perhaps you do as we do: Our regular ice cream parlor supplies great plastic cups. Capacity 400 ccm, right. These are then “perforated” with a 3mm drill _carefully_, so at the bottom evenly distributed about 15 holes, and on the perimeter equally again so 20-30, about from the bottom to half height distributed. And poof: recycling live. , -)

– A grid on which you can

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