Simple Chocolate Strawberry Dessert

Rating: 3.4778 / 5.00 (90 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

For the chocolate mousse:

For the strawberry sauce:


For the chocolate mousse, melt the chocolate in a water bath and then allow to cool slightly.

In the meantime, whip the cream with cream stiffener until very firm. Stir the mascarpone with sugar and rum until creamy. Quickly fold the chocolate into the mascarpone cream, finally fold in the cream very loosely (a pastry spatula is sufficient for this).

Fill the mousse into dessert glasses, smooth the surfaces and chill in the refrigerator.

In the meantime, for the strawberry sauce, wash and clean the strawberries and cut into tender cubes. Thoroughly mix the strawberry cubes with sugar and vanilla pulp, then remove about 4 tablespoons of the mixture for the garnish and refrigerate. Finely puree the remaining strawberry mixture (and pass through a sieve if necessary).

Spread the finished strawberry sauce by the tablespoonful over the chocolate mousse and smooth it out. Garnish each dessert glass with a chilled tablespoon of strawberry cubes and serve.

Preparation Tip:

The strawberry sauce can be refined to taste with mint or lemon balm, for example.

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