Polpettine Alla Verza

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


For the tomato sauce:


Clean cabbage, blanch extensively in salted water and 10 min (in salted water), drain.

Soak the rolls (or bread) in water, then squeeze them and put them through a meat grinder together with the cabbage (chop finely if you don’t have any). Later, put all the ingredients except the cooking oil in a suitable bowl and mix thoroughly. Form balls the size of a nut from this mixture and bake them in the oil.

Arrange them on a platter and pour the tomato sauce over them.

Sauce: sauté garlic and onion in oil, add pelati, pull the tomatoes apart a little with a fork, add bouillon cubes, sauté for 15-20 minutes, add basil, ready to serve after 2 minutes.

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