Ham in Burgundy Sauce

Rating: 2.5 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 8.0 (servings)




Perhaps your new favorite bean dish:

Leisurely bubble the ham in cold water. It should infuse about an hour more than make (only small bubbles). Take out the ham, keep the required mass clear soup.

If the ham still has a pork rind, remove it. Put the ham in a dish of the appropriate size, add the Burgundy and the remaining ingredients.

Put the Reindl in the oven heated to about 180 degrees. There, gently steam the ham for one hour, watering it several times. Continue to baste the ham with the thickened stock for about ten minutes before serving.

For the sauce: heat the clarified butter in a frying pan, add the flour and stir-fry until light brown. Extinguish with the tomato juice and the indicated mass of ham broth. Reduce this sauce to a fifth of the original mass for about 3/4 of an hour with the saucepan open, seasoning with salt at the end.

Add the reduced sauce to the ham stock. Bring to a boil and strain the sauce through a hair sieve.

Cut the ham into slices and arrange on a platter with the sauce.

Serve with bean pods with a touch of garlic and croquettes.

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