
Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min





A cake recipe for all foodies:

Shape the flour on a surface and press a bulge in the center.

Sprinkle the sugar in the hollow and add the egg. Cut the well cooled butter into pieces and add them on top. Chop everything thoroughly with a kitchen knife or pastry spatula. Then quickly knead the whole thing with cold hands to form a dough. Form the dough into a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and rest in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Then roll out the dough and line a greased springform pan sprinkled with rusk (breadcrumbs).

Blind bake the base at 180 °C for about 15 minutes, i.e. spread the dough with parchment paper and weigh it down with pulses.

In this way, the bottom remains flat and the edge does not slide down.

For the filling, mix sugar, vanilla sugar, curd, cornstarch, lemon zest, flour and yolks. Whip the egg whites with the 50 g sugar until stiff and carefully fold into the curd mixture together with the melted butter.

Fill the filling onto the pre-baked base. Bake at 180 °C for 20 minutes, then take the cake out of the oven, run a pointed kitchen knife between the filling and the edge of the dough all around, rest outside the oven for five minutes, then put it back into the oven again and finish baking in 20 minutes. (This avoids the problem of any baked cheesecake, which is that it rises beautifully, abe

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