
Rating: 3.3636 / 5.00 (33 Votes)

Total time: 15 min



Allow stale bread to dry well.

Grind finely in a food processor, sieving out larger pieces if necessary.

Store dry in a sealable container or use right away.

Use for: Breadcrumbs for breading, fresh or dried herbs, sesame finely ground hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds or any seeds and nuts, cornflakes, coconut flakes, etc. can be added here.

For sweet and savory crumbs for rolling and sprinkling, or as a binder of many doughs and masses, especially dumplings such as spinach dumplings, smoked fish dumplings, curd dumplings, etc.

For crust mixed with a yolk butter, for gratinating fried pieces of meat.

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