Artichoke Hearts with Rosemary

Cut artichoke hearts into small pieces 4 cm before the heart. Remove hard leaves. Clean hearts and stems. Cut lemons in half and rub into artichokes to prevent oxidation. Heat the oil. Brown the artichoke hearts in it at low temperature, constantly turning to the other side. Add rosemary, white wine and 10 centiliters of … Read more

Filled Omelet

For omelets you need a little bit bigger frying pan. The eggs are beaten, mixed a little bit (as with egg dishes) and the butter is stirred in in small pieces. The egg mixture is now poured into the heated frying pan and should now at best just cover the bottom, so that the quantity … Read more

Mirabell Sorbet

refreshing dessert / total preparation time: about 10 min. Rinse, halve and remove the seeds from the ringroot. Boil 150 ml water with cinnamon, lime juice and sugar until sugar is completely dissolved. Simmer the ringroot for 5 min. Next, finely crush the mixture. Stir the prosecco and mirabelle plum brandy into the puree and … Read more

Onion and Cheese Cakes

Peel onions, quarter, and cut into narrow strips. Grate cheese. Put onions and cheese in a large enough bowl. Add oatmeal, flour, eggs, salt and pepper. Mix everything together. Heat a little oil in a frying pan. Fry 16 small pancakes (10-12 cm) one after the other for 2 minutes on each side over medium … Read more

Marzipan Rhubarb Cake

A simple but delicious cake recipe: First mix the egg yolks with the sugar, add the fat, baking powder, flour and milk and mix until it is a firm creamy mixture. Spread the batter evenly on the bottom of a greased cake springform pan. Mix egg whites with sugar until completely firm. (There should be … Read more

Spaghetti with Asparagus Pesto and Ruccola

First cut off the ends of the asparagus spears and remove the peel from the back third. Steam the asparagus in a little salted water until tender. Immediately rinse under cold water to preserve the green color. Cut off the asparagus tips and cut in half lengthwise. Cut the spears into slices. Pluck parsley leaves … Read more

Marbled Semolina Casserole

For the marbled semolina casserole, first cook the milk, semolina, vanilla sugar, butter and lemon zest with a pinch of salt in the steamer at 100 °C for 10 minutes. After 5 minutes of cooking, stir vigorously with a whisk. After cooking, divide the mixture in half, stir Nutella and cocoa into one half and … Read more

Rhubarb Strawberry Foam

Peel the rhubarb stalks, remove woody parts and cut into pieces. Place in a frying pan with the strawberry jam and vanilla sugar. Cover and cook over low heat until soft. Lift out the rhubarb pieces and boil the pan juices a little bit if necessary. Later, blend with the rhubarb in a hand mixer … Read more

Railwayman with Coconut

For railwaymen with coconut knead a smooth dough from the ingredients for the shortcrust pastry. Place in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then roll out the dough 3 mm thick to tray size and bake at 180 °C for about 12 minutes. Cut into 4 cm wide strips while still warm and let cool. Assemble … Read more