Marinated Beef on Arugula in Herb Dressing …

Cut beef fillet into narrow slices, season with salt and pepper. Remove the skin from the onions, cut into fine cubes. Remove shallots from peel, cut into rings. Chop parsley and chives. Rinse and dry arugula. Peel tomatoes, remove seeds and cut fillets. Cut cress into small pieces. For the marinade, mix the pickle stock … Read more

Lukewarm Vegetable Salad

Wash and clean the vegetables. Peel carrots and kohlrabi and cut into not too thin strips. Steam in a perforated steamer bowl for about 6 minutes. Cut zucchini lengthwise, remove seeds and cut into strips as well. Cook in steamer for 3 minutes. Pull the strings from the beans and cut into 1 cm pieces.Divide … Read more

Banana Cake

For the banana curd cake, preheat the oven to 170 °C, grease the springform pan and dust with flour. Peel bananas, chop coarsely and mash, then mix with room-warm butter and curd until smooth. Add eggs a little at a time and stir in. Add sugar, semolina and vanilla pudding powder, mix the mixture into … Read more

Grandma’s Gray Soup

For Omas Graukassupp’n cut the onion and fry in butter. Cut the potatoes and add. Deglaze with beef broth. Add gray cheese and simmer until potatoes are soft. Finally, add whipped cream and blend. Bring to the boil again and season Omas Graukassupp’n.

Elder Capers

For the elderberry capers, grate the elderberries, wash them and soak them in sea salt water for one night. The following morning, pour off the liquid. Then boil elderberries in salted water with herbs for 5 min. Drain cooking water and put berries in a sealable container filled with white wine vinegar. Store the elderberry … Read more

Potato and Potato Terrine

For the potato terrine cook potatoes, peel and press. Grind salt, pepper, caraway seeds and 3/4 of the garlic clove to a paste. Soak gelatin and whip cream until half stiff. Mix potatoes, garlic paste, curd cheese and half the sour cream. Squeeze gelatin and dissolve in a saucepan over moderate heat. Stir in 3 … Read more

Chicken Liver Foam in Shallot Sauce

The livers can be cleaned the day before and soaked in buttermilk for one night. Remove the peel from the onion and the clove of garlic, finely dice and sauté in half the butter until translucent. Clean the livers clean, remove the tendons and tubes. Beat the eggs (1), the garlic, onions, parsley and just … Read more

Quick Chicken Fricassee

Sauté the onion in the butter until soft, add the meat and fry until it is “white” all over. Season with salt and pepper. Cook for about 10 minutes at low temperature. Add the mushrooms and cook with a little bit of clear soup for another 5 minutes. Stir the creme fraiche well with the … Read more

Potato Pan

Finely dice the bacon, remove the skin from the potatoes and cut into thin slices. Fry the bacon in a small frying pan, add the potatoes and cook for 25 minutes, cover with a lid. Dice butter cheese, cut chives into fine rolls. Form the cheese over the potatoes and let it melt for a … Read more

Domino Slices

For the domino slices, knead a dough from flour, dry yeast, butter, baking powder, vanilla sugar, milk, salt and egg. Divide the dough into 3 parts. Roll out first part and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Spread with jam. Mix nuts with granulated sugar and spread half over the top. Roll … Read more