Ham in Burgundy Sauce

Perhaps your new favorite bean dish: Leisurely bubble the ham in cold water. It should infuse about an hour more than make (only small bubbles). Take out the ham, keep the required mass clear soup. If the ham still has a pork rind, remove it. Put the ham in a dish of the appropriate size, … Read more

Turbot Roasted on Red Onion Confit

Season the turbot with salt and pepper and turn briefly in flour. Fry the fish in heated oil on both sides until golden brown and place in the preheated oven at 200 °C for approx. 4 – 5 minutes. Onion confit: slice onions, steam in water until soft and add salt. Reduce red wine and … Read more

Crumbly Cookies

For crumbly cookies put the flour on a pasta board and sift the powdered sugar and vanilla sugar over it. Spread the thea in fine pieces and make a hollow in which you put the yolks. Leave to rest in the refrigerator for half an hour and then pipe small circles onto a baking tray. … Read more

Sachsenhaeuser Snow Flurry

Finely mash the Camenbert and cream cheese with a fork, work in the butter and then fold in the diced onion. Season the quantity with pepper and salt and finally mix in the mineral water. Tip: Blanching the onions keeps the quantity longer. Goes well with: Dark Erdapfel or farmhouse bread (fried potatoes, boiled potatoes, … Read more

Cold Peach Melba Soup

For the cold peach melba soup, first wash and pit the peaches. Cut coarsely. Set aside some of the raspberries for decoration. Finely puree the fruit with water. Sweeten to taste. Chill the soup well in the refrigerator. Serve the cold peach melba soup garnished with the remaining raspberries.

Cauliflower Gratin

For the cauliflower gratin, heat the oven to 180 °C convection. Divide the cauliflower into florets and slice the stalk. Brush a baking dish with olive oil and place the cut cauliflower in it. Mix the soy cousin with maple syrup, salt, nutmeg, pepper, grated cheese and mustard and pour over the cauliflower. Bake cauliflower … Read more

Poulard Breast in Pepper Cream

1. clean broccoli, rinse and divide into roses. Remove the skin from the carrots, rinse and cut into slices. Cook in about 3/4 liter of boiling hot salted water with lid on for 12-15 min. until tender. Cook broccoli for 5-6 minutes. Drain vegetables, collect vegetable water. Measure out approx. 600 ml. 2. drain chanterelles. … Read more

Apple Bread

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Cover with a tea towel and and leave overnight. The next day knead all the ingredients together. Bake at 200 degrees on middle rack for 90 minutes. Bring the glaze to a boil. Brush the cooled apple bread with it.

Basil Terrine

For the basil terrine, first prepare the tomato cream. To do this, sauté garlic and scallions in olive oil until light yellow. Add the soup and pelati and cook the cream over high heat for five minutes. Season with cayenne pepper and salt. At the same time, soak the gelatin in water until it has … Read more

Stuffed Pepperoni Sandwiches

For the Stuffed Pepperoni Sandwiches, preheat the oven to 200° Celsius. Line a baking sheet with foil and roast the peppers in the oven until the skin is browned and the flesh of the peppers is firm to the bite. Peel off the skin and cut the peppers in half lengthwise. Remove seeds and white … Read more