Bouillabaisse Marseillaise

Rating: 2.0 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (Portionen)



Rinse the fish, remove tails, heads and fins, sprinkle with a little bit of lemon and steep for 20 min. Bring the water with the salt to a boil and add the fish waste (if using fillets from the fishmonger!) Form in it. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for 15-20 minutes, skimming off the foam as it forms. Rinse and clean the mussels and cook them in salted water in a separate saucepan.

In the meantime, dice the onions and slice the potatoes, carrot, celery and leek. Crush the garlic with a little salt. Tie the kitchen herbs into a bunch. Heat the oil and fry the vegetables. Add the bunch of herbs and pour the fish broth that has been strained in the meantime. Cook for 10 minutes, then add the fish fillets, the clear soup should not make any more, only slightly mousse. After 15-20 minutes the fish is cooked. 10 minutes before the end of the cooking time, add the shrimps, and just before serving, heat the mussels and the tomatoes cut into slivers in the soup. The bouillabaisse is eaten in this way: the fish and vegetables are carefully removed from the clear soup and placed on a plate.

The clear soup is served separately in a tureen. Everyone takes from the fish and vegetables as he or she pleases and pours from

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