Red Ravioli with Chive Sour Cream Sauce

Rating: 2.7143 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)


Chive sour cream sauce:


Remove the peel from the beets once they have cooled. Finely chop half and add to the bulgur form. Fold in vinegar, 1/2 tbsp horseradish, 1 pinch salt and enough pepper. Set the mixture aside.

Chop a slice of one of the remaining beets, about 3 cm thick, and blend in a hand blender or pass through a liquidizer, yielding about 2 tbsp puree. Cut the remaining red beets into tender strips and place in a warm place.

To make the pasta dough with a food processor, add 175 g egg, egg whites, flour, sunflower oil or other vegetable oil and beet puree in the Weitling form and mix for about 30 seconds with the dough hook. If a ball of dough forms on the spot that feels wet, add flour by tablespoonfuls. The dough should be soft, but not sticky. If a ball does not form, try pressing the dough together with your hands. If the mixture is still too dry, stir in water by teaspoonfuls until a ball of dough forms. If using a pasta machine, the dough can be kneaded and rolled out on the spot (instructions p. 12 and 13). If the dough is prepared by hand, shape 175 g of flour into a wide bowl and press a bulge into the center. Pour egg white, sunflower oil or other vegetable oil, egg and beet puree into the bulge and gradually fold in the flour with a fork or possibly a wooden spoon.

Place the dough on the lightly floured surface and mix a paa

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